Sunday, August 29, 2010

many hands make light work

C.S. Lewis wrote, "God whispers to us in our pleasures. He speaks in our conscience. But He shouts in our pain. It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." Is God whispering, speaking, or shouting at you today? Francis Schaeffer penned, "God is there, and He is not silent."

This past year, God has whispered to me in gentle ways. He has been so good in his provision for our family, as He healed family members and brought our son-in-law Jon Elliott back from harms way in Afganistan.

In the early mornings, as the sun is coming up and there is even a hint of cool in the Philippines, God speaks to me in His word and comforts, reasons, exhorts, and guides me through my questioning, my pride and my fears.

And then God has used mighty typhoons and flooding, along with a young 35 year old woman in her last days of life on this earth, to shout at me "Be still and Know that I am God".

In the midst of being a missionary the last several years; in a very good and significant work, God has shown me how He works, and how He wants me to join in. I have been blessed to be able to come alongside a great group of like-minded folks, working side by side, hand in hand, sharing what we know, learning, and carrying out God's work in our communities.

The old saying, "Many hands make light work" comes to mind. Team-work, Collaboration, Friendship. My high-school basketball coach drilled in us, "It's amazing how much work can get done, when no one cares who gets the credit." I would add, "....and we give God the glory!"

Join our team and work with us in ministering to the Philippines.

God bless, Phil and Julie DeHart